10.01.2012, 03:47, "Carl Sorensen" <c_soren...@byu.edu>:
> On 1/9/12 3:59 PM, "Francisco Vila" <paconet....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> #(define-markup-command (firstred layout props sone stwo) (string?
>> string?)
>>   "Print the first string in red"
>>   (interpret-markup layout props
>>     (markup #:concat ((#:with-color red sone) stwo))))
>> { c' c' c' c' }
>>   \addlyrics {
>>     \markup \firstred #"A" #"bc"
>>     Def
>>     Ghi
>>     \markup \firstred #"Jk" #"l"
>> }
> One could also do the following
> #(define-markup-command (center_red layout props sone stwo sthree)
> (string? string? string?)
>   "Print the middle string in red"
>   (interpret-markup layout props
>     (markup #:concat (sone (#:with-color red stwo) sthree))))
> { c' c' c' c' }
>  \addlyrics {
>  \markup \center_red #"A" #"bc" #""
>  Def
>  \markup \center_red #"" #"G" #"hi"
>  \markup \center_red #"J" #"k" #"l"
> }
> Or one could define three markup commands: first_red, center_red, and
> last_red.
> HTH,
> Carl

Thank you, Carl, this starts to make sense, though David's function is a magic 
if we could make it to take a list of symbols, not just one.

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