Le 03/11/2011 20:02, David Kastrup disait :
\paper { tocname = "Inhaltsverzeichnis" } #(define-markup-command (toc layout props) () (interpret-markup layout props (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'tocname "none"))) \markup \toc
But the list is a bit longer (cf. enclosure) I first define in the language-fr.ily file TocTitle = "Table des matières" and in languege-de.ily TocTitle = "Inhaltsverzeichnis" and then in the master file \paper { %% Translate the toc title: tocTitleMarkup = \markup \huge \column { \fill-line { \null \ToCTitle \null } \hspace #1 } will produce the right wording, depending on the translation I wish. Cheers, Jean-Charles ps: sorry, the phone ring just disturbed me...
\version "2.14.0" %%% Instrument and character names LFlute = "Flûte" Lfl = "Fl" LOboe = "Hautbois" Lob = "Htb" LTrumpet = "Trompette" Ltpt = "Tpt" LViolin = "Violon" Lvn = "Vln" LViola = "Viola" Lva = "Vla" LCello = "Violoncelle" LBasso = "Continuo" Lbc = "BC" LDrums = "Timbales" LChor = "ChÅur" LSoprano = "Soprano" Lsop = "S" LAlto = "Alto" Lalt = "A" LTenor = "Tenor" Lten = "T" LBasse = "Basse" Lbas = "B" LFS = "Premier prêtre Saxon" LSS = "Second prêtre Saxon" LTS = "Troisième prêtre Saxon" LPhil = "Philidel" LGrim = "Grimbald" LGenius = "Génie de l'or" LCupid = "Cupid" LSyren = "Sirène" LNymph = "Nymphe" LShep = "Berger" LSylv = "Sylvains" LAelus = "Ãlus" LFishers = "ChÅur des pêcheurs" LNereid = "Néréïde" LPan = "Pan" LVenus = "Vénus" LHonour = "Honneur" LDuet = "Duo" LNVerse = "Nymphes" Ltacet = "Tacet" Lsolo = "Solo" Ltutti = "Tutti" LPrimo = \markup { \concat { 1 \super er } } LPrima = \markup { \concat { 1 \super re } } LSecundo = \markup { \concat { 2 \super e } } LSecunda = \markup { \concat { 2 \super e } } Lbar = "mesure" Lbars = "mesures" Lattributed = "attribué à " %%%%% List of ToC nodes and piece ToCTitle = "Table des matières" Overture = \markup { %% OV \smallCaps "Ouverture" } ActOne = \markup { Acte premier } AWodenFirst = \markup { %%1A \italic "Solo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " Woden, first to thee, we have sacrificed" } AWodenThanks = \markup { %%1A bar 47 \italic "Duo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " To Woden, thanks we render" } ALotIsCast = \markup { %%1C \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013 " The lot is cast" } ABraveSouls = \markup { %%1D \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " Brave souls, to be renow'd" } AWodensHall = \markup { %%1E \italic "Solo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " I call you all to Woden's hall" } AMSymphony = \markup { %%1F Symphonie militaire } AComeIfYouDare = \markup { %%1G \italic "Solo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " Come, if you dare" } ActTwo = \markup { Acte deux } BIntro = \markup { %%2A Introduction } BSymphony = \markup { %%2B Symphonie } BHitherWay = \markup { %%2C \italic "Solo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " Hither, this way bend" } BMoonBornElf = \markup { %%2D \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013 " Let not a moon-born elf" } BChorHither = \markup { %%2E \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " Hither, this way" } BFollowMe = \markup { %%2F \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " Come, follow me" } BHowBlessed = \markup { %%2G \italic "Solo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " How blessed are shepherds" } BDuet = \markup { %%2H \italic "Duo " \char ##x2013 " Shepherd, shepherd, leave decoying" } BComeShepherds = \markup { %%2J \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " Come, shepherds, lead up a lively measure" } BHornpipe = \markup { %%2K Hornpipe } ActThree = \markup { Acte trois } CRecitative = \markup { %%3B \italic "Récitatif " \char ##x2013 " What oh! thou Genious of the clime" } CWhatPower = \markup { %%3C \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013 " What power art thou?" } CDoatingFool = \markup { %%3D \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013 " Thou doating fool" } CGreatLove = \markup { %%3E \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013 " Great Love, I know thee now" } CDominions = \markup { %%3F \italic "Récitatif " \char ##x2013 " No part of my dominions" } CPrelude = \markup { %%3G Prélude } CWeAssemble = \markup { %%3H \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " See, we assemble" } CTisI = \markup { %%3J \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013 " 'T is I that have warm'd ye" } CTisLove = \markup { %%3K \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " 'T is love that has warm'd us" } CSoundaParley = \markup { %%3L \italic "Duo " \char ##x2013 " Sound a parley, ye fair" } CHornpipe = \markup { %%3M Hornpipe } ActFour = \markup { Acte quatre } DTwoDaughters = \markup { %%4A \italic "Duo " \char ##x2013 " Two daughters of this aged stream" } DPassa = \markup { %%4B Passacaille } DHappyLover = \markup { %%4B bar 123 \italic "Solo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " How happy the lover" } DForLove = \markup { %%4B bar 184 \italic "Duo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " For Love every creature" } DNymphes = \markup { %%4B bar 247- \smallCaps "Air des Nymphes" } ActFive = \markup { Acte cinq } EBlustering = \markup { %%5A \italic "Air " \char ##x2013 " Ye blustering brethren" } ESymphony = \markup { %%5B Symphonie } EDitto = \markup { %%5C Ditto } ERound = \markup { %%5D \italic "Duo & chÅur " \char ##x2013 " Round thy coasts" } EFishers = \markup { %%5D bar 160 \smallCaps "ChÅur des pêcheurs" } ETrio = \markup { %%5E \italic "Air en trio " \char ##x2013 " For folded flocks" } EFairestIsle = \markup { %%5F \italic "Air " \char ##x2013 " Fairest Isle, all isles excelling" } EDialogue = \markup { %%5Ga \italic "Dialogue " \char ##x2013 " You say 't is Love creates the pain" } ETune = \markup { %%5H Sonnerie de trompettes } EStGeorge = \markup { %%5J \italic "Air " \char ##x2013 " St. George, the patron of our Isle" } EOurNatives = \markup { %%5K \italic "ChÅur " \char ##x2013 " Our natives not alone appear" } EDance = \markup { %%5L La grande danse } Appendx = \markup { Annexe } FOverture = \markup { %% Ouverture } FNotes = \markup { Notes éditoriales } FNotesSC = \markup { \smallCaps "Notes éditoriales" } %%%%% Cover front page Lgenre = "opéra" Lacts = "en cinq actes" Lcomposed = "composé par" Llibretto = "sur un livret de" Leditor = "annoté par"
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