Le 03/11/2011 20:02, David Kastrup disait :

Jean-Charles Malahieude writes:

Le 03/11/2011 19:02, Michael Ellis disait :
This allows me to do

      \set midiInstrument = #(cueInstrument 'get)

in my cueNotes and similar functions and the choice of instruments can
be set within the .ly file by

     #(setMainCueClapInstruments "trumpet" "clarinet" "timpani")

Is it just me, or has the thought occurred to others that LilyPond
might actually be easier to learn and use if the entry language was
pure Scheme?  :-)

I actually used this kind of artifact with King Arthur: I typeset it
for a music school here in France, so the table of contents, character
and instrument names should be in French. Beside that, the sources I
uploaded on the CPDL might be used in countries where French is not as
commonly used as in France and "Inhaltsverzeichnis" looks better in
German than "Table des matières". So I had to find a way to collect
all the strings that should be adapted in one place (per language) and
set this preference in one dedicated file that gets included in each
master file.

\paper {
       tocname = "Inhaltsverzeichnis"

#(define-markup-command (toc layout props) ()
  (interpret-markup layout props (ly:output-def-lookup layout 'tocname "none")))

\markup \toc

But the list is a bit longer (cf. enclosure)

\version "2.14.0"

%%% Instrument and character names
LFlute = "Flûte"
Lfl = "Fl"
LOboe = "Hautbois"
Lob = "Htb"
LTrumpet = "Trompette"
Ltpt = "Tpt"
LViolin = "Violon"
Lvn = "Vln"
LViola = "Viola"
Lva = "Vla"
LCello = "Violoncelle"
LBasso = "Continuo"
Lbc = "BC"
LDrums = "Timbales"
LChor = "Chœur"
LSoprano = "Soprano"
Lsop = "S"
LAlto = "Alto"
Lalt = "A"
LTenor = "Tenor"
Lten = "T"
LBasse = "Basse"
Lbas = "B"
LFS = "Premier prêtre Saxon"
LSS = "Second prêtre Saxon"
LTS = "Troisième prêtre Saxon"
LPhil = "Philidel"
LGrim = "Grimbald"
LGenius = "Génie de l'or"
LCupid = "Cupid"
LSyren = "Sirène"
LNymph = "Nymphe"
LShep = "Berger"
LSylv = "Sylvains"
LAelus = "Ælus"
LFishers = "Chœur des pêcheurs"
LNereid = "Néréïde"
LPan = "Pan"
LVenus = "Vénus"
LHonour = "Honneur"
LDuet = "Duo"
LNVerse = "Nymphes"
Ltacet = "Tacet"
Lsolo = "Solo"
Ltutti = "Tutti"
LPrimo = \markup { \concat { 1 \super er } }
LPrima = \markup { \concat { 1 \super re } }
LSecundo = \markup { \concat { 2 \super e } }
LSecunda = \markup { \concat { 2 \super e } }
Lbar = "mesure"
Lbars = "mesures"
Lattributed = "attribué à "

%%%%% List of ToC nodes and piece
ToCTitle = "Table des matières"

Overture = \markup { %% OV
  \smallCaps "Ouverture" }

ActOne = \markup {
  Acte premier }

AWodenFirst = \markup { %%1A
  \italic "Solo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Woden, first to thee, we have sacrificed" }

AWodenThanks = \markup { %%1A bar 47
  \italic "Duo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " To Woden, thanks we render" }

ALotIsCast = \markup { %%1C
  \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013
  " The lot is cast" }

ABraveSouls = \markup { %%1D
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Brave souls, to be renow'd" }

AWodensHall = \markup { %%1E
  \italic "Solo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " I call you all to Woden's hall" }

AMSymphony = \markup { %%1F
  Symphonie militaire }

AComeIfYouDare = \markup { %%1G
  \italic "Solo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Come, if you dare" }

ActTwo = \markup {
  Acte deux }

BIntro = \markup { %%2A
  Introduction }

BSymphony = \markup { %%2B
  Symphonie }

BHitherWay = \markup { %%2C
  \italic "Solo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Hither, this way bend" }

BMoonBornElf = \markup { %%2D
  \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013
  " Let not a moon-born elf" }

BChorHither = \markup { %%2E
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Hither, this way" }

BFollowMe = \markup { %%2F
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Come, follow me" }

BHowBlessed = \markup { %%2G
  \italic "Solo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " How blessed are shepherds" }

BDuet = \markup { %%2H
  \italic "Duo " \char ##x2013
  " Shepherd, shepherd, leave decoying" }

BComeShepherds = \markup { %%2J
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Come, shepherds, lead up a lively measure" }

BHornpipe = \markup { %%2K
  Hornpipe }

ActThree = \markup {
  Acte trois }

CRecitative = \markup { %%3B
  \italic "Récitatif " \char ##x2013
  " What oh! thou Genious of the clime" }

CWhatPower = \markup { %%3C
  \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013
  " What power art thou?" }

CDoatingFool = \markup { %%3D
  \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013
  " Thou doating fool" }

CGreatLove = \markup { %%3E
  \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013
  " Great Love, I know thee now" }

CDominions = \markup { %%3F
  \italic "Récitatif " \char ##x2013
  " No part of my dominions" }

CPrelude = \markup { %%3G
  Prélude }

CWeAssemble = \markup { %%3H
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " See, we assemble" }

CTisI = \markup { %%3J
  \italic "Solo " \char ##x2013
  " 'T is I that have warm'd ye" }

CTisLove = \markup { %%3K
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " 'T is love that has warm'd us" }

CSoundaParley = \markup { %%3L
  \italic "Duo " \char ##x2013
  " Sound a parley, ye fair" }

CHornpipe = \markup { %%3M
  Hornpipe }

ActFour = \markup {
  Acte quatre }

DTwoDaughters = \markup { %%4A
  \italic "Duo " \char ##x2013
  " Two daughters of this aged stream" }

DPassa = \markup { %%4B
  Passacaille }

DHappyLover = \markup { %%4B bar 123
  \italic "Solo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " How happy the lover" }

DForLove = \markup { %%4B bar 184
  \italic "Duo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " For Love every creature" }

DNymphes = \markup { %%4B bar 247-
  \smallCaps "Air des Nymphes" }

ActFive = \markup {
  Acte cinq }

EBlustering = \markup { %%5A
  \italic "Air " \char ##x2013
  " Ye blustering brethren" }

ESymphony = \markup { %%5B
  Symphonie }

EDitto = \markup { %%5C
  Ditto }

ERound = \markup { %%5D
  \italic "Duo & chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Round thy coasts" }

EFishers = \markup { %%5D bar 160
  \smallCaps "Chœur des pêcheurs" }

ETrio = \markup { %%5E
  \italic "Air en trio " \char ##x2013
  " For folded flocks" }

EFairestIsle = \markup { %%5F
  \italic "Air " \char ##x2013
  " Fairest Isle, all isles excelling" }

EDialogue = \markup { %%5Ga
  \italic "Dialogue " \char ##x2013
  " You say 't is Love creates the pain" }

ETune = \markup { %%5H
  Sonnerie de trompettes }

EStGeorge = \markup { %%5J
  \italic "Air " \char ##x2013
  " St. George, the patron of our Isle" }

EOurNatives = \markup { %%5K
  \italic "Chœur " \char ##x2013
  " Our natives not alone appear" }

EDance = \markup { %%5L
  La grande danse }

Appendx = \markup {
  Annexe }

FOverture = \markup { %%
  Ouverture }

FNotes = \markup {
  Notes éditoriales }

FNotesSC = \markup {
  \smallCaps "Notes éditoriales" }

%%%%% Cover front page
Lgenre = "opéra"
Lacts = "en cinq actes"
Lcomposed = "composé par"
Llibretto = "sur un livret de"
Leditor = "annoté par"
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