I'd like some help on how to adjust ties. The following example comes from Behind Bars: The Definitive Guide to Music Notation by Elaine Gould, p.133; or it would do, if I could get it to work.
The problem is that in this example, there is a collision with the tie, second from the top (d'') and the f# (fis''). Ms. Gould's solution is to "divide" the tie leaving a gap in the tie, so that it doesn't collide. How does one divide a tie with Lilypond? (By the way, I have been able encode a suggested alternative of using "laissez vibrer" ties, although I don't think it looks as good.) I would also like to know how to adjust the curve of ties in such a situation. In the Lilypond manual, 5.5.4, Modifying Shapes, it states that "it is not possible to modify the shapes of ties or slurs by changing the control-points property if there are more than one at the same musical moment". The same tie intersects the top staff line. One would like to make the curve shallower to avoid this. One would also like a shallower curve for the uppermost tie, so the beam on the grace notes didn't have to be raised as much. (The tie on the g# also seems to be too short, but I imagine this could be changed by introducing some padding between the grace notes and the chord.) \version "2.12.3" arpeggiatedchord = { \set tieWaitForNote = ##t % as notes intervene before the ties end \once \override Beam #'positions = #'(5.0 . 5.0) % raise beam to avoid % collision with top tie \grace { d''16[~ fis''16~ b'16^~ d'16_~ gis'16]~ } \once \override Stem #'length = #'6.0 % lengthen stem to match height of % grace notes - this seems to require % 6.0 instead of 5.0, which isn't clear % in the manual <d'' fis'' b' d' gis'>4 } \score { \arpeggiatedchord } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user