Hi, I'am working on a music function that creates a rehearsal mark with extra text added. It would be nice if the end result would be something that would work as: \mark \default "text". These are my first steps into the world of scheme, so I suppose that some of my questions are rather basic. The code below more or less works and shows what I am trying to achieve but is not perfect at all! So, I need some help to solve the drawbacks.
Here are the issues that need attention: 1 - I would like to use the current format for the rehearsal mark. Is it possible to call/use the current Score.markFormatter and store the mark in a markup-variable? 2 - Now I redefine the Score.markFormater with "/once /set" but "/once" generates warnings. What is wrong? 3 - Is it possible to avoid the /set Score.markFormatter and use the /mark /markup /center-at-mark directly? I could use [1] to retrieve the current mark and should increment the counter: Score.rehearsalMark = Score.rehearsalMark + 1 4 - Allignment is ok but the extend is not correct, see the allignment of the first rehearsal mark that moves up because of the second mark. Any advise? Greetings, Ed %%% Example \version "2.13.39" #(define-markup-command (center-at-mark layout props mark text) (markup? string?) "x-align on the center of the rehaersal mark" (let* ( (txt (markup #:normal-text #:bold #:normalsize #:concat (" " text))) (txt-stencil (interpret-markup layout props txt)) (txt-x-ext (ly:stencil-extent txt-stencil X)) (txt-width (- (cdr txt-x-ext)(car txt-x-ext))) ) (interpret-markup layout props (markup #:hspace 0 #:translate (cons txt-width 0) #:concat (mark txt))) )) BoxMarkText = #(define-music-function (parser location AddText) (string?) "Create a Rehearsal mark and add the string AddText" #{ % Redefine the Rehearsal mark % \once does work but generates multiple warning. \once \set Score.markFormatter = #(lambda (mark context) (markup #:center-at-mark (format-mark-box-numbers mark context)$AddText)) \mark \default #}) \score { \relative c'' { \clef "G" \key c \major \time 4/4 % Rehearsal mark \set Score.rehearsalMark = #10 \set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-numbers \mark \default c1 \bar "||" % Add text to the next rehearsal mark \BoxMarkText #"Theme from 007" e( f) % Revert to default mark \mark \default g( e) \break } } \layout{ indent = 0 ragged-right = ##t } %%% end of example
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