Le 01/03/2011 01:10, TaoCG a écrit : > > > lilypond-5 wrote: >> >> I would like to "compose" with the community with Lilypond. >> ........ >> >> If that is possible then the small Djembé community can start saving >> original African Djembé music. So it will not be lost. >> > Well, I am no expert in MIDI, so anyone correct me if I am wrong, but to my > knowledge lilypond doesn't contain any soundfont at all. The MIDI-files > generated by Lilypond are just played via the GM-Standard Soundfont that > comes with your operating system. > > I suggest you to take a look at the file drumpitch-init.ly in > usr\share\lilypond\current\ly of your Lilypond directory and analyze it > until you understand what it does. Part of it is described here: > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Common-notation-for-percussion#Custom-percussion-staves > > I don't work with MIDI output but I believe if you make your custom > drum-pitch tables you can alter the midi-drumpitch table accordingly, you'll > just have to know which MIDI-representation each sound of your soundfont has > and later make sure that your MIDI-file is played back using your djembé > soundfont. > > I hope this was of some help. > > Regards, > Tao
The following ly file is an extract (very simplified) from Le Puzzle du Batteur - The Drummer's 'G'igsaw. See: http://superbonus.project.free.fr/spip.php?article43 May be you'll find a comprehensive way for your project. Even more with the melodic track. Phil.
\version "2.12.2" \include "0-mydrums-style2.ly" \paper { % ragged-bottom = ##f % ragged-last-bottom = ##f } pulse = \drummode { \time 6/8 \tempo 4 = 116 bol16_\f cgho16_\mf cgl16_\mp cgl8_\f cgho16_\p boh16_\mf cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf r8 %| bol8_\mf cgho16_\mf cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho8_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf %| bol16_\ff cgho16_\ff cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho16_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mf bol8_\f cgho8_\f %| bol8_\ff cgho16_\ff cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho8_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mf bol8_\f %| bol8_\mf cgho16_\mf cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho8_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf %| bol16_\ff cgho16_\ff cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho16_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mf cgho16_\mf bol8_\f cgho16_\mf %| bol8_\ff cgho16_\ff cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho8_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mf bol8_\f %| bol16_\f cgho16_\mf cgl16_\mp cgl8_\f cgho16_\p boh16_\mf cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf r8 %| bol16_\f cgho16_\mf cgl16_\mp cgl8_\f cgho16_\p boh16_\mf cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf cgho16_\f cgho16_\mf %| bol8_\mf cgho16_\mf cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho8_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf %| bol8_\mf cgho16_\mf cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho8_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mp bol8_\mf %| bol16_\ff cgho16_\ff cgl16_\f cgl8_\ff cgho16_\mp boh16_\f cgho16_\mf cgho16_\mf bol8_\f cgho16_\mf %| } \score { << % Pour ne pas afficher les nuances sur la partition: \override Score.DynamicText #'transparent = ##t \new DrumStaff \with { drumStyleTable = #(alist->hash-table mydrums-style2) \override DrumStaff #'TimeSignature #'style = #'() fontSize = #1 \override StaffSymbol #'staff-space = #(magstep 1) } << \set DrumStaff.instrumentName = "Drums" \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "Dr" \set DrumStaff.midiInstrument = "standard kit" \override Score.MetronomeMark #'outside-staff-padding = 1 \new DrumVoice { \pulse } >> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% >> \layout { } \midi { \context { \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 232 4) } } }
\version "2.12.0" #(define mydrums-style2 '( (acousticbassdrum () #f -3) (bassdrum () #f -3) (sidestick cross #f 1) (acousticsnare () #f 1) (snare () #f 1) (handclap triangle #f 1) (electricsnare () #f 1) (lowfloortom () #f -4) (closedhihat cross "stopped" 3) (hihat cross #f 3) (highfloortom () #f -2) (pedalhihat cross #f -5) (lowtom () #f -1) (openhihat cross "open" 3) (halfopenhihat xcircle #f 3) (lowmidtom () #f 0) (himidtom () #f 2) (crashcymbala xcircle #f 5) (crashcymbal xcircle #f 5) (hightom () #f 4) (ridecymbala cross #f 5) (ridecymbal cross #f 5) (chinesecymbal mensural #f 5) (ridebell () #f 5) (tambourine () #f 6) (splashcymbal diamond #f 5) (cowbell triangle #f 5) (crashcymbalb xcircle #f 6) (vibraslap diamond #f 4) (ridecymbalb cross #f 4) (lobongo () #f -1) (openlobongo () "open" -1) (mutelobongo () "stopped" -1) (hibongo () #f 1) (openhibongo () "open" 1) (mutehibongo () "stopped" 1) (loconga () #f -2) (openloconga () "open" -1) (muteloconga () "stopped" -1) (hiconga () #f 2) (openhiconga () "open" 2) (mutehiconga () "stopped" 2) (hitimbale () #f -5) (lotimbale () #f -6) (hiagogo diamond #f -5) (loagogo diamond #f -6) (cabasa cross #f 6) (maracas diamond #f 6) (shortwhistle cross "staccato" -2) (longwhistle cross "tenuto" -2) (shortguiro cross "staccato" -4) (longguiro cross "tenuto" -4) (guiro cross #f -4) (cowbell triangle #f 5) (claves diamond #f 0) (hiwoodblock () #f -3) (lowoodblock () #f -4) (mutecuica diamond "open" 1) (opencuica diamond "stopped" 1) (triangle cross #f 0) (opentriangle cross "open" 0) (mutetriangle cross "stopped" 0) ))
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