lilypond-5 wrote:
> I would like to "compose" with the community with Lilypond.
> Problem :
> I play Djembé, a instrument without music notation. I would like to  
> write using Lilypond notation. But this notation can be wrong of  
> course. No one knows Djembé classical music notation, so no one can  
> say it is Ok, or wrong. I would like to check the Lilypond notation by  
> playing its midi with a Djembé soundfont.
> Djembé players can hear if the sound is not good, so the notation has  
> to be altered. I would like to use a wiki for that with the LilyPond  
> extension. So anyone can make a (small) change and hear the  
> difference. See f.e
> Can a custom soundfont be attached to the <lilymidi> ? So the sound,  
> and thus the noation, can be checked? I would be a kind of "composing"  
> or more writing Lilypond with the community.
> If that is possible then the small Djembé community can start saving  
> original African Djembé music. So it will not be lost.
Well, I am no expert in MIDI, so anyone correct me if I am wrong, but to my
knowledge lilypond doesn't contain any soundfont at all. The MIDI-files
generated by Lilypond are just played via the GM-Standard Soundfont that
comes with your operating system.

I suggest you to take a look at the file in
usr\share\lilypond\current\ly of your Lilypond directory and analyze it
until you understand what it does. Part of it is described here:

I don't work with MIDI output but I believe if you make your custom
drum-pitch tables you can alter the midi-drumpitch table accordingly, you'll
just have to know which MIDI-representation each sound of your soundfont has
and later make sure that your MIDI-file is played back using your djembé

I hope this was of some help.

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