On 1/30/11 12:00 PM, "bart deruyter" <bart.deruy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I looked through the tuxguitar fret diagrams, and found this the most
> interesting C#dim chordshape (I'm copying now from my own, extremely
> incomplete predefined-guitar-fretboards-fix.ly
> <http://predefined-guitar-fretboards-fix.ly>  file :
> \addChordShape #'c:dim #guitar-tuning #"x;3-4;1-1;o;1-2;o;"
> \storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {cis:dim}
>                         #guitar-tuning
>                         #(offset-fret 1 (chord-shape 'c:dim guitar-tuning))
> for D#dim I first wanted to offset :
> \addChordShape #'d:dim #guitar-tuning #"x;x;0;1-2;3-4;1-3;" one fret higher,
> but then the fingering of the first fret on the D-string doesn't show, so I
> created another chordshape :
> \addChordShape #'dis:dim #guitar-tuning #"x;x;1-1;2-2;4-4;2-3;"
> Perhaps it can be offsetted with an aditional fingering notation in the
> diagram but my knowledge of lilypond still is somewhat limited, and right now
> I don't have the time to browse through the documentation for it. Got a book
> to write and at the moment I just have to modify the diagrams I need at the
> moment.

As I got ready to implement this in the LilyPond distribution, it occurred
to me that this solves your problem, but not necessarily the fundamental

The fundamental problem right now is that the current diagrams have only a
dim chord, which might be either a dim7 or a dim5 chord (and since I entered
them, I can say with a surety that I don't know which chords are which).  In
my opinion it's clear that we should have both :dim and :dim7 chords in the
predefined diagram.

I'll be happy to take the responsibility of getting them in properly, but
I'd someone more qualified than me to give me the terse-format diagram
strings with fingering, based on the standard guitar tuning.

So, anybody willing to fill in the following table?

c:dim    "x;3-4;1-1;o;1-2;o;"
c:dim7   "x;x;1-1;2-3;1-2;2-4;"
cis:dim    "x;4-4;2-3;1-1;2-2;1-1;"
cis:dim7   offset c:dim7 one fret
d:dim7     "x;x;o;1-1;o;1-2;"
dis:dim    "2-2;o;1-1;2-3;x;2-4;"
dis:dim7    "x;x;1-1;2-3;1-2;2-4;"
e:dim7    offset dis:dim7 one fret
f:dim7    "x;x;o;1-1;o;1-2;"
fis:dim7    same as dis:dim7
g:dim7    "x;x;5-2;6-4;5-3;3-1;"
gis:dim7   same as f:dim7
a:dim7     same as ees:dim7
ais:dim7   offset ees:dim7 one fret
b:dim7     same as d:dim7



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