I looked through the tuxguitar fret diagrams, and found this the most
interesting C#dim chordshape (I'm copying now from my own, extremely
incomplete predefined-guitar-fretboards-fix.ly file :

\addChordShape #'c:dim #guitar-tuning #"x;3-4;1-1;o;1-2;o;"
\storePredefinedDiagram #default-fret-table \chordmode {cis:dim}
                        #(offset-fret 1 (chord-shape 'c:dim guitar-tuning))

for D#dim I first wanted to offset :
\addChordShape #'d:dim #guitar-tuning #"x;x;0;1-2;3-4;1-3;" one fret higher,
but then the fingering of the first fret on the D-string doesn't show, so I
created another chordshape :
\addChordShape #'dis:dim #guitar-tuning #"x;x;1-1;2-2;4-4;2-3;"

Perhaps it can be offsetted with an aditional fingering notation in the
diagram but my knowledge of lilypond still is somewhat limited, and right
now I don't have the time to browse through the documentation for it. Got a
book to write and at the moment I just have to modify the diagrams I need at
the moment.

Adding a display type, as Colin Campbell suggested, would be very nice
indeed, that might make it a complete system, but then all the diagrams need
to be reviewed, checked and double checked for each genre and instrument
where diagrams are used. Additional diagrams will have to be created too. No
problem for me of course :-). I want to help, if my current knowledge about
lilypond is good enough of course.

Perhaps, for the time being, it might be good to add a comment in the
documentation that the current diagrams are based on jazz conventions (so I
understand from the discussion here), and that the shown diagrams are not
the only possible versions. That will prevent future confusion. I can
imagine many beginning guitar student might think that the shown chords are
the only ones around, certainly because they are so well presented in
lilypond, while obviously this is not the case.
I don't know who to contact about this though.



2011/1/30 Carl Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>

> On 1/30/11 2:45 AM, "bart deruyter" <bart.deruy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I can only  speak for guitarists, because I am a guitarist, classical
> > guitarist, and I'll definatly stick to the correct naming for the correct
> > chords, and I am now going to create my own version of this predefined
> guitar
> > diagrams list. If all goes well, and I can manage it, I want to upload it
> for
> > everyones use of course.
> Great!  But I don't imagine that you need to go to all the effort to
> recreate the list if you think that most chords are fine.  We've got enough
> feedback to indicate that the current diagram is in error for C#dim (and
> I'll assume D#dim as well).  What diagram would you recommend for these
> chords?
> Thanks,
> Carl
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