On Sun, 2011-01-30 at 11:43 +0100, bart deruyter wrote:
> Perhaps a solution would be like what is being done with midi, setting
> a midi instrument. That way automatically the correct diagram for this
> specific instrument can be shown.
> e.g :
> Chords = \chordmode {
> \setDiagramInstrument ="#guitar"
> cis:dim
> }
> notes =  {
> \relative c
> {
> <  e g cis g' >2 | cis4 \mark "kl. terts" e| e \mark "kl. terts"  g
> \bar "|." 
> }
> }
> \new Score {
> <<
>     \new ChordNames { \Chords }    
>       \new FretBoards { \Chords }
>      \new Staff
> {
>        \clef "treble_8" \time 2/4 \key d\major \notes
>       }
> >>
> }
> http://www.bartart3d.be/

There is a discussion on -bug about the display of chords for jazz
musicians, essentially asking for simplification in the interests of
readability.  Following on Bart's suggestion, is it feasible to create
alternate display modes tied to a table, such that one could e.g.

\setDiaqgramInstrument ="guitar" 
\setChordDisplay = "jazz"

I'm away for the day, but I'd bew quite happy raising an enhancement
issue around this.

He is winding the watch of his wit; by and by it will strike. - William
Shakespeare, The Tempest Act 2 scene 1 

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