Many answers. Thanks to everybody.

David, Marc, I built my own predefined diagrams, like these:

\storePredefinedDiagram \chordmode {g} #guitar-tuning #"3-2;x;o;o;o;x;"
\storePredefinedDiagram \chordmode {g'} #guitar-tuning #"3-2;x;o;o;3-3;x;"

As you can't have more than one diagram with the same name, I helped myself
calling the first one g and the second one g'. Printing the score, both
diagrams will be printed as g, same name for two different diagrams. What I
need is having two different chord names in the printed output, just as if
the added redundant fifth were a chord extension (Of course I know that it
still an ordinary G chord, no power chord, no extension.

Tim, maybe I'm wrong, the chord 320033 HAS a third (B on the A string),
although I simpley don't play it in that special fingerstyle situation.
That's the reason for the x in my two predefined diagrams.

So... my question still is, how can I tell Lilypond to print another name
for the second chord diagram? I want my score to tell the guitarist, now
play the ordinary G chord 320003, and now play the G chord with the added
fifth, 320033. And I want hin to distinguish between the two voicings not
only by the fret diagram but also by a different name, like Gadd5 or G5 or
whatever may be appropriate.

Please note that I don't think of using markups, because they won't

Hope I made myself clear, as I am not a native English or American speaker,
and describing these matters in English is, hmmm, a bit special for me.

Thank you all

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