
On Tue, 1 Feb 2011 07:47:56 -0800 (PST)
Jürgen Ibelgaufts <juri...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> When the fret diagram for the G chord is 320003 (not lilypond syntax,
> but you may know what I mean), the G chord with the extra fifth is
> 320033 which is still G with nothing added, but on the guitar it
> sounds very different, more straight, more energic. while Lilypond
> print both cords (G and, say G:5) als plain G, I want different names
> printed , G5 or Gadd5 or whatever.

these aren't different G chords ... just different voicings. I have
seen them notated a variety of ways the most common being:

 G           G (type 2)
----       ----
320003     320033

320003 and 320033 are the diagrams, obviously.

Just like there is no difference between G (3x0003) and G (355433) --
still a G chord.


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