On Feb 1, 2011, at 9:47 AM, Jürgen Ibelgaufts wrote:

> to be more precisely: no power chords, no slash chords. Just for example an
> extra fifth to the g major chord (which may be redundant but gives another
> voicing). 
> When the fret diagram for the G chord is 320003 (not lilypond syntax, but
> you may know what I mean), the G chord with the extra fifth is 320033 which
> is still G with nothing added, but on the guitar it sounds very different,
> more straight, more energic. while Lilypond print both cords (G and, say
> G:5) als plain G, I want different names printed , G5 or Gadd5 or whatever.
> Any guitarists or jazz musicians on board? How do you do that, or does my
> question make no sense at all?

Jazz guitarist and Lilypond user here.  I would call that a G(no 3rd) but have 
no idea how Lilypond would accommodate that.  Writing charts for jazz, open 
position chords just don't come into play very much.
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