W dniu 31 stycznia 2011 17:06 użytkownik Carl Sorensen
<c_soren...@byu.edu> napisał:
> On 1/31/11 3:04 AM, "Jan Warchoł" <lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2011/1/24 Phil Holmes <m...@philholmes.net>
>>> If you use
>>> #(set-accidental-style 'modern-cautionary)
>>> then you get the parenthesised accidental automatically, as requested.
>> Indeed, thanks for the remainder.
>> However, in my opinion it is necessary to *change* the 'default',
>> 'voice' and 'forget' accidental styles, because their current
>> behaviour result in wrongly typeset music. If the last note in the
>> following example doesn't get a natural, it's *impossible* to tell
>> that it's not another ces:
>> ces'1~ | ces'
>> ces'1( | c')
>> It may be argued that the slur looks different than the tie, but it's
>> not enough.
>> I'm sure that engraving books will agree with me - may someone check this?
> I think that it would be fine to have a rule added that says "if we're
> across a barline, and the scale step is the same, but the accidental is
> different, and the slur is two notes long ending on the current note,
> display a cautionary accidental in order to avoid confusion with a tie."

+1, except that i think it should be unparenthesized (at least in
accidental styles like default and voice, that don't use parenthesized
accidentals at all).

2011/1/31 Alexander Kobel <n...@a-kobel.de>:
> But IMHO the important point here is the fact that the notation can be
> ambigous without the accidental, and is definitely clear with it.  No
> matter if ? or !.



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