On Fri, 22 Oct 2010 00:17:05 -0700, Valentin Villenave wrote:

I could imagine a way of making LilyPond aware of nearly-adjacent
dynamics. Something like a 'neighborhood property, that would take a
ly:moment as argument... If anyone else wants to help write a feature
request, I'll add it to the tracker.

Dynamics already align if they are adjacent in time; I realized this quite 
quickly as a new user.
Please don't ask the poor users to learn another new concept, if we can extend 
what they have learned already.

In 2.14 we should be able to do this (because we already can in the development 
version) :

% tieDynamic to the next dynamic mark, so that they are placed as a group
tieDynamic = #(make-music 'CrescendoEvent 'span-direction START 'span-type 'text 
'span-text "")
  d'16 \< d'' d''\! \tieDynamic d'' \> d''
  d''\! c\< c'' c''\!

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