
2010/10/19 Valentin Villenave <valen...@villenave.net>

> On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:43 AM, Jan Warchoł
> <lemniskata.bernoulli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > (...) Lily places all related dynamics at the same vertical position
> level
> Er, it seems that we're already doing that

Not exactly that. This example illustrates my idea:

 d'16 \< d'' d''\! d'' \> d''
 d''\! c\< c'' c''\!

first and second hairpins are 'related' (in my opinion at least): they are
very close together (only one 16th between them), and would look better if
they were vertically aligned.
In fact, second and third hairpins are also 'related', but it wouldn't make
much sense to align them vertically, because the middle hairpin would look
very strange.

What do you think now?


<<attachment: relateddynamics.png>>

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