On 10/11/10 6:19 PM, James Bailey wrote:

2)  In another measure the upper voice has a quarter rest followed
by a half note on the bottom line of the staff. The lower voice has
a dotted half rest. The problem here is that the half note in the
upper voice is so low on the staff that it prints over the rest in
the lower voice. These voices share a staff in the score, but not
in the individual parts.

Can you actually provide an example of how you've done this? I can't
for the life of me figure out how you get the collision.

Yo! And note how it's fixed in the second measure!!!!! The quarter rest is high on the staff in measure one (I thin) because merge-rests-on-positioning can't handle full-measure rests, so I decided to chop the "R2." up into "r4 r2" in the second measure to see if that wouldn't fix it. Not only fixed that, but fixed the problem that started this whole thing. I'm inordinately pleased with myself. (druther be lucky than good)

Any chance the full-measure/multi-measure problem will get fixed?

Oh, yeah. Why is the "Preferences..." entry dead on the Lilypond menu? Mac OS 10.4.11.


\version "2.13.31"

\include "English.ly"
\include "merge-rests.ly"

FanfareTbeIIMusic =
{\relative c''
    \transposition bf
    \key c \major
    \clef treble
    \time 3/4
    r4 e,2                  r4 e2

FanfareTbeIIIMusic =
{\relative c''
    \transposition bf
    \key c \major
    \clef treble
    \time 3/4
    R2.                r4 r2

FanfareTbeDynamics =
  \time 3/4
  s4   s2\mp                           s2.

\score {
  \new Staff = "Staff_trumpetII&III" {
    \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet II&III"
    \set Staff.shortInstrumentName = "trp II&III"
    \set Staff.midiInstrument = "trumpet"
    <<       \FanfareTbeIIMusic
        \\   \FanfareTbeIIIMusic
        \\   \FanfareTbeDynamics

  \layout {
\override RestCollision #'positioning-done = #merge-rests-on-positioning

Jimmy Wilkinson            | Professor Emeritus of Computer Science
ji...@cs.cofc.edu          | The College of Charleston
(843) 953-8160             | Charleston      SC        29424

If there is one word to describe me, that word would have to be
Any form of incompitence is an athema to me.
Metathesis??? Don't ax me.
Just between you and I, the grammar used by Americans are getting worse.
I can only help but wonder what the cause of this might be.
It just ceases to amaze me how it could be the case, but mostly I could
care less.
...... boat storage under house with wench ......
I won't get into specifics because that was between he and I

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