At 19:03 05/10/2010, you wrote:
I can't really use Scheme (other than find and replace), so maybe
this doesn't solve what you need, but what about creating separate
variables with the staves that you want and simply commenting an
appropriate \score ? i.e.,
\version "2.12.3"
piccolo = \relative a' { a c' a e' e c a e }
instrument = { a, c' a e' e c' a e'}
instrumentTab = {
a,4\5 c'\2 a\3 e'\1
e\4 c'\2 a\3 e'\1
withTabs = \new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \instrument
\new TabStaff \with { instrumentName = lute } \instrumentTab
withoutTabs = \new StaffGroup <<
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = piccolo } \piccolo
\new Staff \with { instrumentName = lute } \instrument
%\score { \withTabs }
\score { \withoutTabs }
Hi, thanks for thinking with me. This indeed is a solution. The
preceding discussion focusses on the use of Devnull as a solution,
but indeed you may define two different contents for the \score block.
Scheming along, the example in the previous posts may be changed as
below. Select the apropriate makeFor to obtain the desired output.
When guitar is selected, a tabstaff will be displayed in addition.
Problem solved, thanks frogs!
(apart from what seems to be a bug when you put tablature into a Devnull)
Example of optional TabStaff with scheme functions and
variable \score block
\version "2.13.32"
makeFor = #'choir
makeFor = #'piano
%makeFor = #'guitar
myContainer =
#(if (eq? makeFor 'choir) "ChoirStaff" "PianoStaff")
upperMelody = \relative c'' {
c4 bes d c
lowerMelody = \relative c' {
a4 g bes a
Tablature = \simultaneous { % Combine both voices for Tablature
\override TabStaff.Stem #'transparent = ##t % Makes stems transparent
\override TabStaff.Beam #'transparent = ##t % Makes beams transparent
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceA { \upperMelody} >>
<< \context TabVoice=TabVoiceB { \lowerMelody} >>
OptionalTabStaff =
#(if (eq? makeFor 'guitar)
#{ \new TabStaff << \Tablature >> #}
#{ #})
\score {
\new \myContainer <<
\new Staff
\set Staff.instrumentName = #(symbol->string makeFor)
\new Staff {
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