At 11:08 05/10/2010, you wrote:
On Mon 04 Oct 2010, 23:11 Marten Visser wrote:
> Dmytro's suggestion looks more promising, though I haven't been able
> to generate code that does the job so far. When I code
> ==================
> \new Devnull
> <<
> \TablatureNotes
> >>
> ==================
> I still get an empty tabStaff and two tabstaffs below it for both
> voices in the \TablatureNotes. Replacing "Devnull" by "TabStaff", I
> get one tabstaff with both voices combined. I guess Devnull is not a
> manner to suppress printing the staff.
Sorry, i've not tested this much.
Which lilypond version do you use? That sample was tested (a bit,-) with
2.13.35, latest development so far. Well.. this works with 2.12 too, ive tried
just now.
First of all -- i'm not sure that this is the best (or even smart at all) way
to do "this" (and i am still not sure that i understood what's needed,-)
Anyway, please take a look -- this example produces ChoirStaff with two staves
if makeFor equals 'choir and produces single staff with \lowerMelody if
makeFor equals anything else.
How far this from a required result?
makeFor = #'choir
#(define myContainer (if (eq? makeFor 'choir)
#(define upperStaff (if (eq? makeFor 'choir)
upperMelody = \relative c'' {
c4 bes d c
lowerMelody = \relative c'' {
a4 g bes a
\score {
\new \myContainer <<
\new \upperStaff <<
\new Staff {
I'm just interesting .-)
Playing with lilypond gives me a lot of fun and some experience, which can be
used later, for my own needs.
Or, if this is more convenient for you, could you post a small example ---
what you've tried and it wasn't work as desired?
Dmytro O. Redchuk
Bug Squad
Hello again,
I compiled your example, but it didn't compile without errors. I did
get the results you got, however.
I changed your code to obtain what I expected your code to produce:
Example of variable stafftype with scheme funtions
\version "2.13.32"
makeFor = #'piano
%makeFor = #'choir
%#(define myContainer (if (eq? makeFor 'choir)
% "ChoirStaff"
% "Devnull"))
myContainer =
#(if (eq? makeFor 'choir) "ChoirStaff" "PianoStaff")
%#(define upperStaff (if (eq? makeFor 'choir)
% "Staff"
% "Devnull"))
upperStaff =
#(if (eq? makeFor 'choir) "Staff" "Devnull")
upperMelody = \relative c'' {
c4 bes d c
lowerMelody = \relative c'' {
a4 g bes a
\score {
\new \myContainer <<
\new \upperStaff
\set Staff.instrumentName = \myContainer
\new Staff {
By setting the instrumentName to \myContainer I checked what was
actually happening. In your example an unrecoverable error occurred.
The above example is bug-free in the \version used.
I'll try to work this to a code for omitting the tablature staff, and
post it here.
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