On Mon 04 Oct 2010, 01:03 Marten Visser wrote:
> Hello again,

> Typesetting my masterpiece :D, I ran into the following problem:
> I have a piece for piccolo and guitar. If I typeset the music for
> guitar, I'd like to have a tablature staff in addition to the notes,
> but If I typset for piccolo, I'd like to omit the tablature. Since
> the music is the same in either case, I prefer to have one file
> where I can make a definition at the very beginning of the document
> like

I am not sure that i understood you, sorry .)

Just take a look, maybe this helps (i've tried this right now, and,
surprisingly enough, this works.-):

%--------------- 8<------------------------
makeFor = #'choir

#(define myStaff (if (eq? makeFor 'piano)

\score {
  \new \myStaff <<
    \new Staff {
    \new Staff {

This would require more "if" checks in your case, i guess. I it would work for
you at all.

Like this, you may, for example,
  #(define lowerStaff (if (....)  "Devnull" "TabStaff")
and then use it.

Maybe this helps.

ps. Anyway, Lilypond is great, thanks to everyone who makes it even better.

> =======================
> % Outcomment whichever one is inappropriate
> TypesetForInstrument = "Piccolo"
> TypesetForInstrument = "Guitar"
> =======================
> Then, in the score-block, I'd like to typeset the TABStaff based on
> the value of the \TypesetForInstrument variable. I know scheme has a
> conditional 'if', but could somebody please provide me with a
> working example of how to implement the scheme conditional?
> My guess is, the code should look something like:
> =======================
> if (eq TypesetForInstrument #"Piccolo")
> #{ \new TabStaff
>       <<
>               ... (score for tablature)
>       >>
> #}
> #{ % nothing to do if not guitar
> #}
> =======================

  Dmytro O. Redchuk
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