I think Frescobaldi can work with different versions at the same time, can't

2010/7/18 Helge Kruse <helge.kruse-nos...@gmx.net>

> Am 14.07.2010 18:13, schrieb James Lowe:
>> That sounds awfully complicated (and one would question the legality of
>> having multiple installs of the same version of XP on one machine but I
>> haven't read MS's EULA)
>> Can't you just
>> 1. install version 2.12.whatever
>> 2. rename lilypond dir accordingly
>> 3. install ve4rsion 2.13.whatever
>> 4. rename lilypond dir accordingly
>> and just put back the old dir name for the version you want to use.
> I don't know, why I should rename the directory when I want to use a
> different version. You can have lilypond.exe in your PATH, but that's not
> necessary, when you use any editor, than starts the compiler.
> For example TeXworks (a LaTeX-editor) allows selecting the compiler very
> comfortable. I configured TeXworks with the different lilypond versions. Now
> it's two clicks to change the version. Additionally TeXworks allows a
> comment that selects the compiler. So I add
>  %!TEX TS-program = Lilypond-2.12      or
>  %!TEX TS-program = Lilypond
> denpendent on the lilypond version the score was written for. So I don't
> have to rename any directory, what also would require administrative rights
> on my PC.
> Probably this is an idea that could be used in the Lilypond-supported
> editors like LilypondTool.
> Best regards,
> Helge
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