Am 14.07.2010 18:13, schrieb James Lowe:

That sounds awfully complicated (and one would question the legality of having 
multiple installs of the same version of XP on one machine but I haven't read 

Can't you just

1. install version 2.12.whatever
2. rename lilypond dir accordingly
3. install ve4rsion 2.13.whatever
4. rename lilypond dir accordingly

and just put back the old dir name for the version you want to use.

I don't know, why I should rename the directory when I want to use a different version. You can have lilypond.exe in your PATH, but that's not necessary, when you use any editor, than starts the compiler.

For example TeXworks (a LaTeX-editor) allows selecting the compiler very comfortable. I configured TeXworks with the different lilypond versions. Now it's two clicks to change the version. Additionally TeXworks allows a comment that selects the compiler. So I add
  %!TEX TS-program = Lilypond-2.12      or
  %!TEX TS-program = Lilypond
denpendent on the lilypond version the score was written for. So I don't have to rename any directory, what also would require administrative rights on my PC.

Probably this is an idea that could be used in the Lilypond-supported editors like LilypondTool.

Best regards,


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