On 04/02/2010 03:57 AM, Alexander Kobel wrote:
Dmytro O. Redchuk wrote:
У пт, 2010-04-02 у 12:14 +0200, Alexander Kobel пише:
Tom Cloyd wrote:
\once \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #8.0 b4-0 [...]
Hi, Tom,
IIRC, this very override only affects notes inside chords.
It should affect NoteColumn if in polyphony, iirc.
Ugh, looks like you're right. Apparently the note lacks some anchor
from which to shift, since no other voice has a note in the same
column. Perhaps it works if you just add some invisible note in
another voice.
But, instead, try replacing the whole measure in the alto voice by
s4 a2*1/2\rest b4-0 |
and see if this fits your needs...
This is perfect. Very clever. Now I just have to figure out why it
works. The a2*1\2 notation is wholly new to me.
Thanks again!
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