All interesting comments - way back when I first encountered Lilypond (3 years
ago or so?) I just decided to write my own editor and stuff it full of commands
to enter code fragments I find useful (and some other things - open Acrobat
Reader, call LP on a file, a few other things). Every few months I dust off my
MFC skills and make some improvements. As satisfying as this route makes me
feel, I would NEVER ever suggest this for anyone else, or even suggest that
anyone else use my editor! ;-)
As for a more general topic of using a text editor for any purpose, this
Windows programmer type likes basic notepad the best. I've use many others
that have had thier benefits and drawbacks, but notepad was just a chore to use
for LP. Context was mentioned and I think I recall hearing about the LP
plug-in for code highlighting - I might have to give tha a try. I would say
using Wordpad would have it's benefits with drag and drop (which was
essentially my starting point for a DIY editor for Lilypond), so I don't think
there is really a "right answer" as much as there is a text editor that you
will fell comfortable with. Saving as plain text with an .ly extension is
(should be) a pretty easy thing to do in any text editor. :-)
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