Well, it's good to see that there is at least the sFTP support sells jEdit even if the LilyPondTool plugin is not worth for downloading that. :)


Aaron Dalton wrote:
On Fri, 18 Dec 2009, Stefan Thomas wrote:

Dear Ralph,
thanks for Your hint. I've downloaded Textpad.
It works well, but unfortunately I couldn't get syntax-highlighting with it. Isn't it available?

2009/12/16 Ralph Palmer <palmer.r.vio...@gmail.com>
      Stefan -

I have been using ConTEXT on my Win XP machine. It's freeware, and has Lilypond highlighting. I've been very happy with it. It's simple and kind, but has formatting
      not normally available in NotePad.

      Check it out at:


I have been using jEdit (http://jedit.org) and i absolutely love it. The seller for me is the (s)FTP support. It treats the remote file system just as if it were local. I can access it by URL (sftp://m...@somewhere/my/dir) instead of having to manage "sites." Even if you don't need the FTP feature, I strongly recommend giving it a shot. It highlights Lilypond syntax and will let you work with UTF-8 for those pesky foreign lyrics :)


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