Have you tried any of the methods that don't include using the built- in editor? It's designed to make an introduction to lilypond easier, but in your case, that hasn't worked. That having been said, the editor that ships with lilypond is slightly less useful than using TextEdit, so you may be better off using jEdit or another editor that has integrated lilypond support. Can you compile a file using Terminal?

On 15.12.2009, at 00:54, Robert Ley wrote:

Well, with v 2.13.9 I now have the full menu bar and all the commands, but the first open page doesn't compile, no .pdf format reader appears. I've tried saving the file several different ways and re-opening it; doesn't compile. Just in case there's something wrong with it, here's the page that won't compile:

Welcome to LilyPond

Congratulations, LilyPond has been installed successfully.

Now to take it for the first test run.

  1. Save this file

  2. Select

       Compile > Typeset file

  from the menu.

  The file is processed, and

  3.  The PDF viewer will pop up. Click one of the noteheads.

That's it.  For more information, visit http://lilypond.org .


  title = "A scale in LilyPond"

\relative {
  c d e f g a b c

\version "2.13.9" % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

Sorry to be such trouble. I'm trying!!
many thanks to all.

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