Sorry, I can't help you. Amazing as it sounds, the instructions in
the documentation
lilypond-program/Setup-for-MacOS-X#Setup-for-MacOS-X actually worked
for me, so I've never used any of the methods on the website, except
to see how jEdit fared as an editor. This entire conversation,
however, presumes that you've read and understand the basic LilyPond
concepts outlined at
lilypond-learning/Compiling-a-file#Compiling-a-file, again, these
instructions are explained elsewhere, and probably better, but it's
what worked for me.
On 14.12.2009, at 17:53, Robert Ley wrote:
It's the script near the end of that page where it talks about
using Terminal:
No idea how to make the script run. Tried cut and paste but
obviously I don't know enough about Terminal to make it work. I'll
keep trying.
Problem is, I can't use the other editors or methods if I can't get
LilyPond to compile the "Welcome to LilyPond" document in the first
place. I was hoping the shell script mentioned would do the job.
Here's what I get when I open LilyPond:
There are NO commands in the menu. Zero. Lilypad shows up, the only
item besides the apple in the menu bar. It's selectable [it turns
blue] but there are no menu commands underneath it, such as
'compile' or 'save' or anything else for that matter. Nada. JUST
'lilypad'. There is nowhere to "2. Select Compile > Typeset file".
Here's a shot of what I have:
and here's the document I'm supposed to be able to save:
Any other ideas?? Thanks for your help.
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