Trevor Daniels wrote:
> The makam pitches contain 1/9-tone alterations,
> so they will not fit into the existing note-name
> tables.  It will need, as you, Joseph, suggested
> a new subsection in 1.1.1. for non-Western pitches.
> Let's use that as the heading.  The material there
> should be restricted to just the pitch and alteration
> names, like the Arabic stuff.

Will do.

> That means we can move the Arabic note names there
> too - I always thought it was misplaced with the
> language-related differences.

The Arabic notes actually fit OK in the existing tables because from a
notational view they correspond well to the standard accidentals LP
offers.  The problem is in the interpretation/playback -- Arabic
microtonal accidentals are just-tempered and only approximately
correspond to quarter-tones.

Still, I'll move them to a 'Non-Western pitches' section if you prefer.

Best wishes,

    -- Joe

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