On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 10:12:58PM -0300, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Graham
> Percival<gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> - I think the freedom propaganda should be moved elsewhere.  I think
> we are primarily trying to compete on quality of output. I think the
> political background can be trimmed much further at this stage of the
> 'sell'.

If you're talking about the home page, it was because somebody
wanted LilyPond to show up on google searches for "free music

I personally consider Search Engine Optimization to be the realm
of scum-sucking marketers and beneath me, but I wanted to be
polite to him.  (oops  :)

> - What is the plan for the search box?  It appears to be disfunctional.

Plan is whatever works on the current website, but that's been a
lower priority than trying to get stuff ready for translators --
fixing the address in the init perl script can be done without
disrupting the translation effort.

> > Make sure you check out the alternate CSS style #2.  This has
> > fancy gradient-shaded menu bars, which could be a great hit.  It's
> > /much/ easier to see which item you have selected.  If you like
> > it, make sure you let us know, so that it can be added to the
> > default layout.
> how do I use this style?

In firefox, it's View->Page style->Alternate style 2.  In safari,
it's... it's... huh, that sucks.  I just assumed that all browsers
would have something similar.  :(

OK, for the next 24 hours or so, I'll make Alternate 2 the

- Graham

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