Op donderdag 13-08-2009 om 00:03 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Graham

> Well, we don't _know_ that google ignores meta keywords.

Reading SEO papers it is pretty much obvious that
   - it is hard to fool google, it tries to index the page
     the user "sees" it: ie, <title>, <h1> and repetition
     in [visible?] text works best
   - trying to play google may not be to your benefit

> @divClass{hide}
> free software free sheet music free open pdf kyon-kun denwa free
> music notation quality engraving computational aesthetics making
> great music for free linux music osx music windows music hey maybe
> Han-Wen can hack google to make our page to show up higher
> classical engraving modern sheet music contemporary sheet music
> typography 
> @divEnd
> on the page?

Yes, that will surely work.  Let's add michael jackson sex porn pr0n,
we'll make a million!  Smart!;-)

> As far as I'm concerned, there's two separate questions:
> 1) what makes the most sense for first-time and returning viewers
> on the home page?
> 2) how can we improve our search rankings?
> If possible, I'd like to find answers that don't conflict with
> each other.  I think that hidden text -- either hidden through
> meta keywords, or hidden with CSS -- is a way of doing this.
> Granted, the CSS option doesn't work with all web browsers (I'm
> thinking of lynx here), so if we go that route, we'd still need to
> take some care to form meaningful sentences.

Yeah, I wrote a big rant about this a while ago.  I think it's
simple: biggest target are first time users; we need to get them
hooked.  What first time users search for (let's say: free music
software // possibly add "notation"), must be prominently visible
on the home page too, otherwise they'll conclude they didn't find
what the were looking for?


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
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