Graham Percival-3 wrote:
> hey, that's life in open-source projects! If you feel at all
> enthusiastic about the new website, please consider helping.
Graham, I would like to help but definitely not now (and I don't know how:
I'm a zero in css, html, programming etc.)
Just a pair of suggestions:
- the top note in the download page should be bigger, blood red, blinking
and should grab the user by the face and oblige him to read it. It's just
too important. And it should not say "please", but just "If you do not know
what is a batch parser, JUST READ THIS CAREFULLY before doing anything
else". Better to scare 10 very unwilling (and unlikely really interested)
users than frustrating ONE otherwise good-willing one.
- the b/w image behind the lilypond is just too flat and boring. I would put
something much more elaborated, maybe with text. Otherwise, I would switch
to as it was before, just with the shaded green/white example, which is just
Thank you for the effort. I think that everyone appreciate this very much.
Piero Faustini
Main Software used:
- LyX 1.6.2 on WinXP sp3; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond 2.12 for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies
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