On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 05:53:14PM -0500, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> Graham Percival wrote:
>> - would somebody volunteer to do the Examples already?!?!  all you
>>   need to do is play with lilypond files.  No texinfo, html, or
>>   git required.  Guidelines on the Examples page.
>> ... Mao, I expected that I'd need to arbitrate fights amongst you
>> guys as to who got to do this...
> What about this page from one of my own CC-licensed orchestral pieces?  
> If you think it's appropriate, I'll create a file with the source 
> code--right now it's scattered across multiple directories with a 
> Makefile and all sorts of stuff.  It'll take some work to make the 
> minimal example, so I want to be sure you really want it before I do it. 

To clarify:

- I want somebody to ORGANIZE the examples.  As in "look at the
  current input/*.ly examples, look at the inspirational
headwords, look at mutopia, ask for offers of help on -user, look
at snippets, make them up himself, etc.".  Or some combination

- we only accept public domain or "free" copyleft licensed works.
  If you have a great example that you engraved for a composer,
that's great, but don't ask the composer for special permission to
distribute that exerpt on this page.  Either get permission to put
the entire .ly snippet under a "free" license (it doesn't need to
be the entire work; if you can get permission to put bars 55-59
under a "free" license, fine).
Or just make up an example that looks similar, but is different.
i.e. instead of 5:13 tuplets, use 5:15 tuplets.  Instead of "cis8.
feses,,2 \grace { a''8 } d16 ~ d8 ~ d32", make a snippet that does
"geses,,2 \grace {a''8 } e8 ~ e4. aes2 "

Yes, I'm eminently capable of organizing this myself (even if I'm
not certain how to spell "eminently").  That's why I'm NOT doing
it myself; I have nothing to prove in doing this, and there's many
more tasks that I should be doing.

- Graham

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