Jan Nieuwenhuizen wrote:

> Possibly we should also think of
>    - a better slogan?  it seems to me that "Sibelius 6 - Perfect scores"
>      is more attractive than "music notation for everyone."
>      possibly something vaguely like: 
>         beautiful scores, share the experience.
>      "for everyone" seems that "we" give, sharing is more warm/fuzzy?
>      (sibelius is for everyone too -- you just have to pay...; what
>      about "free"/community...?)
>      "music notation" feels a bit bland.

How about:
LilyPond - You're free to compose.
LilyPond - Notation unleashed.

Or I don't know. It's so easy to sound corny, isn't it?
Just some ideas.
- Mark


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