Op woensdag 24-06-2009 om 14:15 uur [tijdzone -0700], schreef Graham

> Here you go:
> http://percival-music.ca/blogfiles/out/lilypond-general_1.html

This is just Great.

I feel simple improvements could be
   - add margins, esp horizontal ones
   - even less colours, stick to one? basic colour with different shades
   - the old website had a [couple of] linear flows through it,
     something like that, but all going to download, iirc
     probably you're not done with this, but I think it helps if
     the visitor has a very obvious choice where to go next at
     the end of each page

Possibly we should also think of
   - a better slogan?  it seems to me that "Sibelius 6 - Perfect scores"
     is more attractive than "music notation for everyone."
     possibly something vaguely like: 
        beautiful scores, share the experience.
     "for everyone" seems that "we" give, sharing is more warm/fuzzy?
     (sibelius is for everyone too -- you just have to pay...; what
     about "free"/community...?)
     "music notation" feels a bit bland.
   - some attractive pictures.  we tried with monet's lilies, and
     while appropriate, they do not convey happiness/eagerness to try
     and use it.  commercial website stimulate good feelings with


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
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