>>>>> "Carl" == Carl D Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> writes:

    Carl> Does this seem at all promising?
    >> Yes, but there's still the problem of extra space at the barline.  I
    >> tried Michael's solutions and doing nothing at all and there's still
    >> extra space after the 4th whole note.

    Carl> How about this?

    Carl> \relative c'' {
    Carl>   \key f \major
    Carl>     \cadenzaOn
    Carl>     g1*1/4 bes1*1/4 a1*1/4 g1*1/4 g1.*1/6 c4 bes4 c1*1/4
    Carl> }

    Carl> I think that gets rid of the extra space.

Yes, it does.  

As I remember it there are some disadvantages to telling Lily to not
think about bars, even if you don't want them printed, but I think you
can deal with them.  So if someone were to write a petrucci spacing
algorithm, I'd probably use it for some of the things I do with those
giant note values.


Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

Strong hope is a much greater stimulant of life than any realized joy
could be.


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