Am 25.05.2009, 23:23 Uhr, schrieb Carl D. Sorensen <>:
On 5/25/09 10:57 AM, "Henning Plumeyer" <> wrote:
Am 25.05.2009, 02:13 Uhr, schrieb Carl D. Sorensen <>:
There are some issues though - not with Laura's example where no bar
are needed. But when you want bar lines the bars are too "full".
You can manually add bars, if you'd like. Use the \bar "|" command every
place you would like a bar. But there should probably be a better way
to do
it. What are you trying to achieve?
In music of around 1600 the time often changes from 2/2 to 3/1 and back.
The rule of is that three whole notes of the 3/1 have to be as long as
two half notes (or one whole note) of the 2/2.
I would like to have a more dense horizontal spacing in the 3/1 sections
(where the music normally is pretty fast) than in the 2/2 sections.
The default behavior of Lilypond is to give a lot of space to the whole
notes, of course in the 3/1 also. It would be nice if the density of the
notes could reflect the speed of the music a little better.
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