On 6/8/09 6:15 PM, "Laura Conrad" <lcon...@laymusic.org> wrote:

>>>>>> "Carl" == Carl D Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu> writes:
>     Carl> Here's my attempt to get the spacing you're looking for.  I've
>     Carl> done it manually, but if you like it, I think that I can write
>     Carl> a music function \petrucciSpacing{} that will generate it
>     Carl> automatically.
>     Carl> What I've done is to multiply each note by a value necessary
>     Carl> to make its final duration equal a 1/4 note.
>     Carl> \relative c'' {
>     Carl>   \key f \major g1*1/4 bes1*1/4 a1*1/4 g1*1/4 d'1.*1/6 c4 bes4
> c1*1/4
>     Carl> }
>     Carl> Does this seem at all promising?
> Yes, but there's still the problem of extra space at the barline.  I
> tried Michael's solutions and doing nothing at all and there's still
> extra space after the 4th whole note.

How about this?

\relative c'' {
  \key f \major
    g1*1/4 bes1*1/4 a1*1/4 g1*1/4 g1.*1/6 c4 bes4 c1*1/4

I think that gets rid of the extra space.


Attachment: petrucci-test-2.png
Description: petrucci-test-2.png

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