Mats Bengtsson wrote Monday, May 25, 2009 8:03 PM
Henning Plumeyer wrote:
\relative c'' {
\key f \major g1*1/4 bes1*1/4 a1*1/4 g1*1/4 d'1.*1/6 c4 bes4
Hi, Carl,
could you explain why this works? I would have expected that
g1*1/4 is
exactly the same as g4, but it is obviously not.
It looks like a whole note but has the duration of a quarter note,
when LilyPond determines the spacing. If you don't want to add
"*1/4" for every single note, there is a command \scaleDurations
to apply this kind of scaling for a whole section of music. All
this is well described in Subsection "Scaling durations" in "1.2.1
Writing Rhythms" in the Notation Reference.
The lines in the html version of this section of the
Notation Reference are significantly longer than any
other, so long I have to scroll horizontally to read them.
Does anyone else see this, or is it some subtle problem
with IE?
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