Henning Plumeyer wrote:

\relative c'' {
  \key f \major g1*1/4 bes1*1/4 a1*1/4 g1*1/4 d'1.*1/6 c4 bes4 c1*1/4

Hi, Carl,
could you explain why this works? I would have expected that g1*1/4 is
exactly the same as g4, but it is obviously not.
It looks like a whole note but has the duration of a quarter note, when LilyPond determines the spacing. If you don't want to add "*1/4" for every single note, there is a command \scaleDurations to apply this kind of scaling for a whole section of music. All this is well described in Subsection "Scaling durations" in "1.2.1 Writing Rhythms" in the Notation Reference.


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