>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Lauer <mrlau...@yahoo.com> writes:

    Michael> Laura Conrad <lconrad <at> laymusic.org> writes:
    >> But when I transcribe Petrucci from the facsimile, the spacing lilypond
    >> does always looks clunky, especially in the parts with large
    >> note-values.

    >> I believe Petrucci's spacing is just equal spacing for every note, no
    >> matter what its value.  
    >> Does anyone have any tricks for making lily's output look a little more
    >> like that?

    Michael> I was able to get closer to what I think you want by:

Thanks, that looks a lot better.

    Michael> So the layout block looks like this:

    Michael>     \layout {
    Michael>        \context{
    Michael>          \Staff
    Michael>             \consists Custos_engraver
    Michael>             \override Custos #'style = #'mensural
    Michael>             \override BarLine #'extra-spacing-width = #'(+inf.0 . 
    Michael>          }
    Michael>          \context {
    Michael>               \Score
    Michael>               defaultBarType = ""
    Michael>               \override SpacingSpanner
    Michael>                         #'base-shortest-duration = 
#(ly:make-moment 1 1)
    Michael>               \override SpacingSpanner
    Michael>                         #'shortest-duration-space = #1
    Michael>         }
    Michael>         \context {
    Michael>             \Voice 
    Michael>             \consists Ambitus_engraver
    Michael>             \override NoteHead #'extra-spacing-width  = #'(-.4 . 
    Michael>             \override Rest #'extra-spacing-width  = #'(-.4 . .4)
    Michael>             \override NoteHead #'extra-spacing-height  = #'(-inf.0 
. +inf.0)
    Michael>             \override Rest #'extra-spacing-height  = #'(-inf.0 . 
    Michael>         }
    Michael>     }

    Michael> Hope that's useful--

I think so.  There's a lot of stuff where modern transcribers typically
halve or even quarter the note values, and I'd prefer not to but it's
problematic with the normal lilypond  spacing. (One reason it probably
became common is that the same is true of other printing based on 19th
century engraving practices.)

Whether it makes my website as beautiful as I'm hoping remains to be
seen, but I'll let you know.

You can see the spacing with Michael's layout on my blog entry for
today: <http://laymusic.org/wordpress/?p=974>

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

Anyone can do any amount of work provided it isn't the work he is
supposed to be doing at the moment.

Robert Benchley

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