I have a set of defined variables that make the coda directions look
nicer. I haven't yet put it in the LSR, but I posted it in an email to
the list about 1 1/2 weeks ago. I could email it to you off list if you
like, to use until I make it an official contribution to the LSR.
Grateful Frog wrote:
Hello again!
Let me first say that despite my newness to the pond, I've already
done some great stuff thanks to this incredible tool!
I'm now trying to create a version of the Beatle's "Yesterday" with
Chords, Melody, Lyrics and guitar tabs.
I attach below my current file which generates pretty nice sheet
music, but which has some weakness in the structuring of the melody
sections and the lyrics.
Also, I haven't been able to figure out the midi generation. When I
put a midi block in, then the output has the chords but doesn't follow
the structure of the song.
So the problems are:
* how to better structure the source notes, lyrics, chords and
tabs to match the song structure which is:
1. verse
2. verse
3. bridge + bridge-ending-1
4. bridge + bridge-ending-2
5. verse
6. coda
* how to get that out in a midi file that plays properly, and only
the melody not the lyrics and chords?
this is the output timidity:
$ timidity Yesterday-04a.midi
Playing Yesterday-04a.midi
MIDI file: Yesterday-04a.midi
Format: 1 Tracks: 6 Divisions: 384
Sequence: control track
Text: creator:
Text: GNU LilyPond 2.12.1
Track name:
Track name:
Track name:
Track name:
Track name:
she would n't say. long,foryesterday.Mmmmmmmmmm.Playing time:
~64 seconds
Notes cut: 0
Notes lost totally: 0
All help is welcome!
Thanks in advance!
----- file ----
% Yesterday-04a.ly
\version "2.12.0"
flushRight = "John Lennon and Paul McCartney"
title = "Yesterday"
flushLeft = "Guitar"
%%%%%%%% Standard File Headers - No need to modifiy
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "a4")
#(define dump-extents #t)
ragged-right = ##f
force-assignment = #""
\header {
title = \title
poet = \flushLeft
composer = \flushRight
%%%%%%%% Music Definitions that will be used in the \score section
chordsOne = \chordmode {
e2:m7 a:7
d2.:m d4:m7
bes2 c:7
f2. c4
d2:m7 g:7
bes4 f2.
chordsBridge = \chordmode {
e2:m7 a:7
d4:m c bes d:m
chordsBridgeEnd = \chordmode {
g2:m c:7
chordsCoda = \chordmode {
r2 g:7
bes4 f2.
mychords = \chordmode {
\repeat volta 2 \chordsOne
\repeat volta 2 \chordsBridge
\alternative {
% These are the notes:
notesOne = {
% measure 1
g'8\4 f f2.
r4 a8 b\3 cis d e\2 f
e8.\2 d16 d2.
r4 d8 d c bes a g\4
% measure 5
bes4 a8 a~ a4 g\4
f a8 g~\4 g4\4 d\5
f^\markup{\italic To \italic Coda} a8 a~ a2\coda
notesBridge = {
% measure 1
a2 a2
d4 e\2 f e8\2 d
notesBridgeEndA = {
e4.\2 d8 c4 d4
notesBridgeEndB = {
e'4.\2 d8 c4 e4\2
f^\markup{\italic D.C. \italic al \italic Coda}( c bes a)
\bar "||"
notesCoda = {
f4\coda a g\4 d\5
f a8 a~ a2
myNotes = {
\repeat volta 2 \notesOne
\repeat volta 2 \notesBridge
\alternative {
\relative c'
myLyricsVOne = \lyricmode {
Yes -- ter -- day, all my trou -- bles seemed so far a -- way,
Now it looks as if they're here to stay,
Oh I be -- lieve in yes -- ter -- day.
myLyricsVTwo = \lyricmode {
Sud -- den -- ly, I'm not half the man I used to be,
There's a sha -- dow hang -- ing o -- ver me, Oh yes -- ter -- day
came sud -- den -- ly.
myLyricsVThree = \lyricmode {
Yes -- ter -- day, love was such an e -- asy game to play,
Now I need a place to hide a -- way,
Oh I be -- lieve in yes -- ter -- day.
myLyricsBridgeOne = \lyricmode {
Why she had to go, I don't know, she would -- n't say.
myLyricsBridgeTwo = \lyricmode {
I said some -- thing wrong, now
I _ _ _ _ _
myLyricsEnd = \lyricmode {
long, for yes -- ter -- day. __
myLyricsCoda = \lyricmode {
Mm mm mm mm mm.
myTabs = {
\repeat volta 2\notesOne
\repeat volta 2 \notesBridge
\alternative {
{\relative c
\relative c
% define the key time and tempo signatures
myKey = \key f \major
myTime = \time 4/4
myTempo = \tempo 4=86
%%%%%%%% This section generates the score - No need to modify it!
\score {
\new ChordNames {
\new Staff \relative c' {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\override Voice.StringNumber #'transparent = ##t
\addlyrics {
\addlyrics {
\addlyrics {
\new TabStaff \relative c {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\override Beam #'damping = #+inf.0
\midi {
\layout {
\context {
\override LyricText #'font-size = #-1
------------- end of file ------------------
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