Thanks to all of you for your help!

I implemented Robin's solution and got it to work straight away.

I still have some questions though, if anyone has the time and energy to
attempt to answer them!

   - When should one use  \voice ? What is its purpose? I haven't been using
   it but maybe I am missing something?
   - Same question about \lyricsto ? I followed the Learning Manual and used
   several \addlyrics (you can see in my original mail). But I get he feeling
   that \lyricsto + \voice might give a better structure, if I could only

Any more help would be welcome!

In the meantime I am overwhelmed by the quality and power of lilypond as
well as the cohesiveness and strength of its user community! Both are

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 11:33 PM, Robin Bannister <> wrote:

> Grateful Frog wrote:
>> how to get that out in a midi file that plays properly, and only the
>> melody not the lyrics and chords?
> You can get the midi output to do repeats, but it won't know about the D.C.
> So give it a helping hand by defining
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> myNotesDC = {   \repeat volta 2 \notesOne  \repeat volta 2 \notesBridge
>  \alternative  {
>   {\notesBridgeEndA}
>   {\notesBridgeEndB}
>  }
>  \relative c'
>  \notesOne
>  \notesCoda
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> and then set up a separate score block, just for the midi.
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> % MIDI Output
> \score {  \unfoldRepeats { \relative c' \myNotesDC }
>  \midi {
>   \context {
>     \Score tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 86 4)
>   }
>  }
> }
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> Keep the first score block for the sheet music alone i.e. remove its midi
> block.
> Cheers,
> Robin

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