2009/1/18 Michael Falkenburg <mandcf...@verizon.net>:
> Francisco Vila wrote:
>> Configure LilyPondTool so that the path to the lilypond executable is
>> /usr/local/bin
> Where do I do this?

Go to the menu Plugins -> LilyPondTool -> Development -> LilyTool
Options, the go to the "LilyPondTool -> General" section on the left
pane, you'll see something like "Path to the executable" .

Or go to the menu Plugins->Plugin Options
Or push the "LilyPond > " button in the LilyPondTool toolbar, then go
to Development, etc.

I find this confusing, so many cloned menus, furthermore when they _do
not_ bring you directly to the LilyPondTool options.

Also the name is not consistent. Multiple names LilyPondTool,
LilyTool, Lily4jEdit, are confusing for novices.

Bertalan: when you have the time, please put some order on this all.
At least for me as a teacher, I always have to explain all these
inconsistencies so that my pupils do not get lost.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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