2009/1/18 Michael Falkenburg <mandcf...@verizon.net>:
> 1) Trying to use Ubuntu (it's Ibex), I just can't seem to install LilyPond
> (ver. 2.10.33-1) correctly. There's no icon for it on the Desktop.  JEdit
> (4.3pre16) works fine...but there no "obvious" connection between the
> two...hence WHY I think I haven't installed LP the way it should. And then
> again, I'm pretty sure that LilyPondTool is set up OK with jEdit.

Configure LilyPondTool so that the path to the lilypond executable is

This configuration is somewhat Windows style; on Linux would suffice
to specify what's the lilypond command, and it is "lilypond". Just in
case you want to set up an alternate command to process your files,
although I cannot imagine one.

Then open or create and save a *.ly file; lilypondTool will show its
toolbar where you can click on the "execute LilyPond" button. Tell us
what's the output on the LilyPond console of jEdit.

To upgrade lilypond itself to the latest stable version 2.12, follow
this link and tell us if it has been of any help.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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