
If you take away the Staff from strk's example, and do it the way I had my
original, you'll have just what you want.

The score should contain:

  \new ChordNames {
  \new Devnull = "Melody" {
  \new Lyrics {
     \lyricsto "Melody" \myMelody

Try my second example (the first one was broken).


On 11/26/08 6:49 PM, "Jonathan Kulp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>> On 11/26/08 4:34 PM, "strk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 05:07:42PM -0600, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>>>> If a good way to do this arises from this thread, let's add it to the
>>>> fretted-strings.itely file for future ref.  It was a @TODO when I was
>>>> rewriting fretted strings but it was something I didn't see the need for
>>>> (I had the "use a word processor" advice, too) and didn't care enough
>>>> about it to make a good example.  Graham warned me that someone asks
>>>> about it at least twice a year so let's try to get a good minimal
>>>> example for the docs from this thread.
>>> Would be nice to find a warning-free version too.
>>> My current version prints fine, but keeps giving those scary warnings:
>>>  warning: Lyric syllable does not have note.
>>>  Use \lyricsto or associatedVoice.
>>> And you're using \lyricsto ...
>> Warning free won't happen an long as we're using Devnull.  Maybe when I get
>> my Scheme function written....
>> Carl
> I took strk's example and turned it into what I think he wants by the
> rather crude method of making everything in the melody transparent and
> turning the rests into skips. This works better than devnull for
> preserving the placement of the text under the staff and it also runs
> without warnings.  Downside is that for each piece there'll be some
> variation in what objects need to be made invisible.  I put all the
> transparency overrides in a variable and added it in the \score block so
> that the \melody variable could be used elsewhere if necessary as a
> visible melody.  (Actually you'd have to turn the melody's skips back
> into rests and then make them transparent for this to work but you get
> the idea...) I copy a minimal example from his "Amado mio" below.
> Now, the @TODO in the .itely file was, I think, referring to a different
> sort of "just chords and lyrics," where there was actually no music
> staff at all, just chord symbols and lyrics.  *That* was the result for
> which I recommended a word processor since it contained no music
> notation whatsoever.  Does anyone think it's worthwhile to make Lilypond
> produce something like this:
> C            G            C          D
> Words words words to the Song song song
> My opinion when doing the docs was that you essentially had to break
> Lilypond to make it do this.  It would be like me driving an 18-wheeler
> to get to my next-door neighbor's house instead of just walking over
> there--totally inappropriate tool for the job.  If anyone sees a reason
> why Lilypond should do this, then they're welcome to create a minimal
> example that we can put in the docs, otherwise I'd recommend a word
> processor, or better yet, something like GuitarTeX:
> I haven't tried it, but it seems like GuitarTeX would probably work well
> with LaTeX and by extension with Lilypond-book.  GuitarTeX does
> precisely the Lyrics/chord-symbols format and supports transposition,
> which is what many people cite as a reason to use Lilypond.
> Ok strk's example is below.
> Jon
> --
> Jonathan Kulp
> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
> \version "2.11.64"
> %------------- Lyrics ---------- {
> makeitvanish = {
> \override NoteHead #'transparent = ##t
> \override Stem #'transparent = ##t
> \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
> \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
> \override Accidental #'transparent = ##t
> \override Tie #'transparent = ##t
> \override Dots #'transparent = ##t
> \override Staff.LedgerLineSpanner #'transparent = ##t
> \override Beam #'transparent = ##t
> }
> text = \lyricmode {
>         A -- ma -- do
>         mi -- o
>         love me for --
>         e -- ver
> }
> %------------- Melody ---------- }{
> melody = \relative c'' {
>         \time 4/4
>         % Amado mio
>         s4 e a4. c,8 |
>         e4. d8~ d2 |
>         s2 \times 2/3 { d4 e4 f4 } |
>         f4. e8 ~ e2 |
>         %\break
> }
> %------------- Chords ---------- }{
> harmonies = \chordmode {
>         % amado | mio | love me for | ever
>         a1:m | d:m | e:7 | a:m |
> }
> %------------- Score ---------- }{
> \score {
>         <<
>                 \new ChordNames {
>                         %\set chordChanges = ##t
>                         %\set Staff.midiInstrument = "church organ"
>                         \harmonies
>                 }
>                 \new Staff {
>                         \set Staff.instrumentName = #"Voice"
>                         \new Voice = "vocal" { \makeitvanish \melody }
> %                       \new Devnull = "vocal" \melody
>                 }
>                 \new Lyrics \lyricsto "vocal" \text
>         \midi {
>                 \context {
>                         \Score
>                         tempoWholesPerMinute = #(ly:make-moment 270 8)
>                 }
>         }
>         \layout {}
> }
> %------------- END ---------- }

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