On 11/26/08 2:59 PM, "strk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 26, 2008 at 02:45:54PM -0700, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>> On 11/26/08 2:43 PM, "strk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 09:57:43PM -0700, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>>>> Here's one possible solution:
>>>> \version "2.11.64"
>>>>   \new Devnull = "myVoice" \myMelody
>>>>   \new Lyrics {
>>>>     \lyricsto "myVoice" \myLyrics
>>>>   }
>>> I tried with 2.10.33 but doesn't work.
>>> I get the warnigns you mention, but lyrics aren't aligned correctly.
>> How are the lyrics incorrectly aligned?
> Confront these two:
> (1)
> http://foo.keybit.net/~strk/tmp/amadomio.pdf
> http://foo.keybit.net/~strk/tmp/amadomio.ly
> (2)
> http://foo.keybit.net/~strk/tmp/amadomio-devnull.pdf
> http://foo.keybit.net/~strk/tmp/amadomio-devnull.ly

The problem is that the implicit melismata generated by the ties are ignored
in the Devnull context, as described in the 2.11 documentation (Notation
Ref. Section 2.1.4 Specific Lyrics, subsection Lyrics independent of notes).

Note: Use the 2.11 docs instead of the 2.10 docs, they're much better -- and
you ought to consider moving to the latest version.  It's probably less
buggy than the stable version.

The workaround is to put manual melismata in the melody.  Here's an example
for the first tied note:

  % Amado mio
  r4 e a4. c,8 |
  e4. d8~ \melisma d2 \melismaEnd |
  r2 \times 2/3 { d4 e4 f4 } |
  f4. e8 ~ e2 |

When you do this, you will get the correct placement of the lyrics both with
the melody and without the melody.



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