On 11/26/08 9:27 PM, "Brett Duncan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sometimes you want this as part of a larger set of outputs, e.g. you are
> printing out parts for the vocalist, bass, sax AND the guitarist who
> just wants the lyrics and the chords (because he can't/won't read
> musical notation). It would obviously be nice to have LP generate this
> as well as the other required parts, rather than having to re-create
> work you've already done in another application.
> Having said that, the output from the solutions proposed so far is
> indeed awful. The only way I have found that gives a reasonable output
> is to add the durations to the lyrics and not use the DevNull approach.
I got exactly the same output with the Devnull approach as with the
durations added to the lyrics.
%%% Sample code, you can try it with Devnull and with durations on lyrics
\version "2.11.64"
myChords = \chordmode {
c1 g f c
myMelody = {
c2 c4 c4 |
c4 c c c |
c4 c c c |
c2 c
myLyrics = \lyricmode {
Hi there let's |
have fun with this |
Here we have fun |
don't we
durationLyrics = \lyricmode{
Hi2 there4 let's |
have4 fun with this |
Here4 we have fun |
don't2 we
\new ChordNames {
% \new Devnull = "myVoice" \myMelody
\new Lyrics {
% \lyricsto "myVoice" \myLyrics
%%% End of sample code
I can't see any difference at all in the output of the two approaches.
Are you doing something different? If so, I'd really like to see it.
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