On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Jonathan Kulp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok I've come up with a completely different script that does what I
> *thought* the original one was supposed to do.  Searching around I found a
> couple of commands that make the entire thing simpler and easier for me to
> understand.  I don't really understand how to use sed and only used it b/c I
> grabbed a snippet of code from an unrelated script.  I've run this one from
> many different directories on many different files and it has worked
> perfectly each time.  I'm glad this thread started b/c it taught me that I'm
> not as smart as I thought I was, but also demonstrates the amazing
> flexibility of unix-like scripts--there's more than one way to do stuff.
>  (The fact that my script and Jay's below essentially do the same thing is
> astonishing to me. Jay's looks so much more impressive!)  OK here's the
> script, which I save as "lily" in my ~/bin directory and run as "lily
> filename.ly"

The scripts do essentially the same thing. The only thing I was trying
to do was allow for normal lilypond command line arguments also. The
sed line is a hack to pull out all but the last argument. It will
break if the last argument is quoted and has a space in it.


P.S. I didn't know basename took a second argument to chop off the
extension. Neat.

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