Jonathan Kulp <jonlancekulp <at>> writes:
> Well, my face is red.  Just tried my script from a different directory 
> and it doesn't put the output in the right place.  I guess I've always 
> just cd'd to the right dir before running the script.  Sorry about that! 
>   I'll see if I can make it work right.  Just have to figure out how to 
> capture the path of the first argument.  I'm new at scripting so this 
> could take a while :)

The script below doesn't open up a pdf viewer (that can be added from your
script), but it does make sure all the output is in the same directory as the
source file.



#last argument
for LY; do :; done

#All but last argument
ARGS=`echo $@ | sed -e 's_^\s*\(\(\S\S*\s\s*\)*\)\S\S*\s*$_\1_'`

#Run lilypond from the directory where the file lives
cd `dirname $LY`
CMD="lilypond $ARGS $(basename $LY)"
echo $CMD
eval $CMD

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