Well, my face is red. Just tried my script from a different directory and it doesn't put the output in the right place. I guess I've always just cd'd to the right dir before running the script. Sorry about that! I'll see if I can make it work right. Just have to figure out how to capture the path of the first argument. I'm new at scripting so this could take a while :)


Jonathan Kulp wrote:
All of the output goes to your current working directory unless you specify otherwise. So, if you cd ~/Desktop as Graham suggests, then it'll end up there.

If you're interested, you can try this little script I wrote that automatically places all of the output in the same directory as the lilypond file you're running, not the current working directory. (Although I'm usually in the directory where I want stuff to go anyway...) It also automatically opens up the .pdf file so you don't have to do another command to see the output.

If you want to try it, save it in a directory called "bin" in your home directory (if it's not already there, then do "mkdir ~/bin"). Then be sure it's exectutable by doing "chmod +x ~/bin/lily". After that, you type "lily filename.ly" and it'll do the rest.


George_ wrote:

This problem isn't major, as in it doesn't stop me from doing anything
important in Lilypond, but its really annoying nonetheless.

I created a lilypond file on my Desktop, called, say, Test.ly. I go to the
terminal and type in

lilypond --pdf /home/george/Desktop/Test.ly

Then all the normal stuff comes up - processing, drawing, then converting to pdf and stuff. Except the .pdf and .ps files don't come out on the Desktop. They come out in the "george" folder. So, is there a way to set the output
folder to something else?



Jonathan Kulp

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